Email Login Update

Important Reminder

As we prepare to launch the new ASHBA website, please update your email address to the one that you are currently using, so you will continue to have access to your account on the new website.




Shop the American Saddlebred ProShop!

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ASHBA is proud to announce our new ProShop presented by Saddlethreads! Now members will be able to sport their #SaddlebredSpirit in the barn and around town. Premium brands include Nike, Eddie Bauer, The North Face, Carhartt, & more!

Start Your Saddlebred Story Today!

Discover the Horse America Made

Proud. Beautiful. Versatile. Athletic.

From the elite competitor to the backyard companion the horse for you is the American Saddlebred. 

Discover your joy and start your Saddlebred Story today. 

Learn more about the magnificent American Saddlebred.

Find an American Saddlebred barn in your area.



Select Series

ASHBA Announces National Select Series National Championship and Other Changes for 2023

ASHBA is pleased to announce exciting new changes to the National Select Series, presented by State Line Tack, including the addition of a National Championship for 2023. The National Select Series National Championship will take place at the All American Horse Classic in Indianapolis, Sept. 12-16, 2023. 


Start Your Saddlebred Story Today!

Discover the Horse America Made

Proud. Beautiful. Versatile. Athletic.

From the elite competitor to the backyard companion the horse for you is the American Saddlebred. 

Discover your joy and start your Saddlebred Story today. 

Learn more about the magnificent American Saddlebred.

Find an American Saddlebred barn in your area.



ASHBA Receives Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid

ASHBA has earned the Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid, an organization that reviews nonprofits’ performance against its mission, and how it handles donations.

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ASB Dreams Fund; Contribute to Ensure the Future of the American Saddlebred

The mission of the American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association is to promote, improve and protect the grace, intelligence and versatility of the American Saddlebred, and to provide programs and services supporting our members, while fostering public awareness of the breed.

In this new phase, the American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association has increased visibility of the breed and engaged equine enthusiasts at an unprecedented level. ASHBA is tackling core issues of the breed with a renewed focus with business visionaries, and creating new programs and initiatives that will increase member engagement, as well as operating with integrity and continuing to promote the breed we all love.

The following fund initiatives have been identified as needing the most immediate support and have been established as our primary initiatives for the betterment of the breed.


Please watch the video below for more information! 

The Genetic Research Endowment

The Genetic Research Endowment was created to increase knowledge of equine health and its genetic links. The main purpose of this is to protect and improve the American Saddlebred by providing funding for genetic research and development of a diagnostic test for detecting Epitheligenesis Imperfecta, which is a deadly birth defect that can affect American Saddlebreds.

The Equine Welfare Fund
The Equine Welfare Fund was started to guard the breed’s welfare on an individual basis by providing assistance in the care and placement of neglected American Saddlebred horses. Services may include on-site inspection and identification, court assistance and transfers to responsible ownership. 

The CHBelle Elegant FundCH Belle Elegant Fund
This fund covers a wide scope of areas that strengthen the breed. This fund has sponsored various youth projects, including supporting the ASHA Youth Conference. The establishment of this endowment allowed for the creation of ten bronze statues of CHBelle Elegant with a foal, by the renowned artist Diane Maroscia. CHBelle Elegant was a mare that, once seen in action, was never forgotten. Under the ownership of North Ridge Farms, owned by Franklin Groves,CHBelle Elegant was known for her electrifying presence in the ring, which was heightened by the way her mane seemed to stand up on end.

The Lordosis Fund
The American Saddlebred Horse Association has been funding the research to find the genetic cause of lordosis. Research indicates lordosis is a genetic fault, where the one or two thoracic vertebrae at the withers are wedge-shaped. What has occurred is the ventral (underside) region of the vertebrae has failed to mature and grow at a normal rate, while the dorsal (topside) region continued to grow. This creates a wedge instead of the typical square block vertebrae in the back. From the point of the malformed vertebrae, moving towards the rump, the vertebrae follow a concave curved line.


If you would prefer to make your donation via direct mail, please send any contributions to the following address:

American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association
4083 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511